Meet The Network Marketing Team Who Perfected Data-Driven Online Recruitment Techniques, and Achieved 400% Business Growth in 6 Months!

No more cold calling! Build your team with authentic, automated & duplicatable strategies you'll love

We're building a movement empowering you to achieve optimal health and financial freedom through a fulfilling career that allows you to travel and experience the world.

365 Days A Year Should Be Earning Days!

Every single day and every qualified lead equals opportunity.

But what if you could leverage a system that streamlines tasks and automates processes, freeing you up to focus on those daily opportunities and convert leads into paying customers?

You're One Step Away From Entrepreneurial Burnout

Remember the fire in your eyes when you first started? The unwavering belief that you could build something incredible, on your own terms? (Deep sigh) Lately, that fire feels like a flicker, buried beneath the weight of constant hustle.

The pressure to portray success, even when you’re drowning in struggles, is a heavy burden. It creates an impossible imbalance, pushing aside the very things that mattered most – family, health, happiness, the peace you craved. The life you envisioned feels miles away, replaced by a constant feeling of being on the verge of collapse.

If you're feeling stuck and frustrated because you can't seem to build a thriving team or struggling to achieve viral success or feeling overwhelmed by the need to micromanage everything...

...let this be your encouragement.

The freedom and financial success you crave ARE within reach.

All you need is the guidance of a proven leader and a game-changing strategy to channel your efforts in the right direction.

That's Precisely What The NetWave Offers

Hi there 👋,

I'm Lusabara - the founder of NetWave!

My story starts where many network marketers find themselves—frustrated by the outdated techniques, tired of chasing leads, and yearning for a better way. That was me. But then, something incredible happened—a moment of epiphany.

As someone deeply driven by success and constantly seeking personal growth, I realized the power of blending timeless success principles with cutting-edge, new-school strategies. It hit me like a bolt of lightning… why settle for the ordinary when you can pioneer the extraordinary?

My quest led me to create a transformative system—a system designed to shatter rejection, embrace automation, and attract like-minded individuals seeking a breakthrough in their careers and lives.

Through two hubs, ‘Wola’ and ‘NetWave,’ I unveil a realm where health intertwines with wealth. ‘Wola’ represents the oasis of natural remedies and holistic well-being, while ‘NetWave’ is the blueprint for wealth creation through progressive network marketing methods.

But beyond strategies and hubs lies my commitment to you…

...those seekers of success, visionaries craving a community of growth-driven individuals, and trailblazers ready to redefine the norms of network marketing.

If you’re still reading, then you’re probably itching to join the ranks of the pros who can spot their ideal prospects in a heartbeat, saving you time and sparing you the frustration of chasing the wrong leads.

Now, you might be wondering what we’re all about and why you should consider joining us. Well, let me tell you…

I’m sure you’ve heard all kinds of promises from they so called network marketing gurus on the internet about fancy strategies that you supposedly use to build your businesses, but let’s be honest – how many of them actually walk the talk?

Well, I’m proud to say that we’re not like the rest. We are real network marketing business builders who don’t rely on making a list of friends and family, starting conversations with a hidden agenda, or prospecting using the “3-foot rule.” We believe in authentic ways of building that respect other people and make the process enjoyable for everyone involved.

We’re all about building a business that’s rejection-free, doesn’t strain your existing relationships, and never pisses anyone off. We are quietly generating sales and more leads in 24 hours using the “SYSTEMS”. We know how to leverage the power of a proven system that works. We don’t need to resort to spammy or salesy tactics to get results. 

We guess this is where we’re supposed to “sell” you on the idea, but frankly…

This isn’t for everyone

We know… that sounds like some sort of attempt at “takeaway selling”… but that’s not our angle here.

The real reason we say it is because when some people see the word “MLM”… they immediately think of the word “Get-rich-quick scheme”… and that’s not really what the NetWave is all about.

See, the main reason people join the NetWave team is NOT because they want to meet, network, and exchange ideas with other new school networkers.

Of course members do network and exchange ideas, but the real reason they join is to get one thing…

Simplified growth

They don’t want 900k new ideas they can “test”.

They don’t want the latest theory or “hack”.

Instead, they want a good MLM company, a good marketing system, a good leader with a clarity and focus. They want to grow their revenues without having to deal with stress, complexity, or overwhelm.

Basically, they want us to figure out exactly what they should do… and then help them do it.

We call it…

Finding the one “Big Domino”

Throughout our years of working with network marketers like you, we have come to realize ONE THING…

There’s always ONE big domino

ONE “big thing” that when identified, will totally transform your business.

And if you can find it and knock it down…
Everything will change… and faster than you could possibly imagine!

But there’s something easy to overlook.

Here it is...

Everything is Super Simple

Every time, we just found ONE THING. One “Big Domino” at a time and focused on that.

Look… 2023 marks the founder’s EIGHT year of digital marketing. That’s 2,920 days of experience, and counting. And if there’s anything he has learned that’s had a bigger impact than everything else combined, it’s this ONE THING: Keep it simple. 

Every business has one “Big Domino” that when knocked over, can cause everything to change.

The good news is…

We are going to SHOW and GUIDE you…

Again, like everything else on this page, if I were you, I would sign up JUST for this business alone 😊

But that’s not all!

We want to make this the easiest, no-brainer decision of your life… so you can sign up today and start building your network marketing business right away!

Let me explain to you the compelling reasons for joining our team

Meet your NEW NetWavers

Who hates outdated methods of prospecting!

We’re team of a breed new school networkers who want to grow our network marketing business, but we don’t want to chase and spam everyone anymore.

Who’re ready to receive people looking for us, use an automated screening system, and have a daily calendar packed with good appointments whenever we want. All with folks who’ve self-selected to be customers or reps.

Our method doesn’t require us to post more than 2x each week…

We don’t spend a single second of our day cold messaging prospects…

And we definitely don’t use complicated funnels or fancy websites. Even managing the team itself takes less than four hours/day. Which brings us to…

The most exciting part of NetWave team…

We use systems and tools to recruit an army, build a large productive team, and create a thriving business… without wasting our precious time chasing the wrong people.

Our entire focus is on finding ONE THING, perfecting it, and implementing it.

Once that’s done, we find the next ONE THING and implement that.

We won't settle for anything less than success

Hey, check out these amazing individuals who have joined our team and decided to NetWave from the comfort of their own homes. These are the kind of people who are ready to take their business to the next level and won’t settle for anything less than success. They understand that with the right team and the right blueprint, they can achieve their dreams and build a business that truly makes a difference.

We focus on a PROVEN BLUEPRINT for success

At NetWave, we believe in building a network marketing business the new school way. No more ridiculous marketing tactics like cold-calling, chasing strangers in public places, or hounding friends and family. We’re here to help each other sidestep those time-wasting methods and instead focus on a PROVEN BLUEPRINT for success. With our team, you’ll learn how to build your business with ease and confidence, without sacrificing your valuable time and energy.

Real Results from Real People:

Hear What Our Team Members Have to Say

I used to struggle in my network marketing business, just like you. I was taught to make a list of all my friends and family, to prospect anyone who came within three feet of me, and to use all kinds of manipulative tactics to get people to join my business. And you know what? It didn't work.

But then I discovered the NetWave team, and everything changed. They showed me a powerful new way of building my team and enrolling new customers that actually worked. They taught me authentic, automated, and duplicatable strategies that I actually enjoyed doing, and that didn't require me to cold prospect, bug my friends and family, or be awkward in any way.

With the NetWave brand, I got access to innovative 'done for you' software solutions, AI capabilities, complete sales funnels, capture pages, done-for-you social media posts, training, coaching, community, unheard of heroic level support, and so much more. And best of all, I learned how to build my business in a way that respected other people, that was rejection-free, that didn't hurt my existing relationships, and that never pissed anyone off.

Now, I'm building my network marketing business like a real business, with the help of a team of real network marketing business builders. And I'm finally getting the results I've always wanted, without having to resort to outdated, manipulative tactics. If you're ready to do the same, I highly recommend joining the NetWave team. It could be the best decision you ever make.
Magreth Chogo
Have you ever felt like you were destined for something greater than what you're doing right now? I know I have. For years, I struggled to find my purpose in life. I tried job after job, but nothing seemed to fit. That was until I discovered NetWave team.

At first, I was skeptical. I had heard all the horror stories about MLMs, and I was hesitant to get involved. But something about NetWave team was different. They didn't try to sell me on a get-rich-quick scheme or make unrealistic promises. Instead, they showed me a way to build a business that aligned with my values and passions.

I learned that NetWave team was all about creating a community of like-minded people who wanted to make a difference in the world. They didn't just focus on making money; they focused on helping others succeed. And that's what really resonated with me.

With the help of NetWave team, I was able to side-step scams, uncover my hidden potential, and launch the business that was right for me. They provided me with the training, tools, and support I needed to succeed. And they celebrated my wins every step of the way.

I'm proud to be a part of NetWave team. I'm able to work from home, set my own schedule, and create a life that I love. And I know that I'm making a positive impact on the world by helping others do the same. If you're looking for a way to build a business that aligns with your values and passions, I highly recommend checking out NetWave team.
Kajuna Edward

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll get when you decide to join our team today

When you get started TODAY, you will get EVERYTHING you need to conquer the inner game and build a sales army that will take you straight to the top ranks – Just for $700

PLUS You'll Receive Marketing Tools Valued at Over $7,603 for FREE

All Included With Your Order

Worth of step-by-step ‘Marketing Secrets & Tools’ (Just for Saying ‘Maybe’!)

For just $700, all you have to do is say "MAYBE" and the gift is yours!

That’s right, over the next 30 days, the NetWave team will hold your hand and guide you through each step of building your business.

And trust me, we’ve got ALL of the tools you need to get started without any stalling.

But that’s not all, we’re not just going to give you the marketing secrets, we’re going to give you over $7,603 worth of tools, so you can really experience the success of launching your business and all the joys that come with it!

And here’s the best part, we’re not going to make you pay the high price tag that normally comes with “getting in the game”.

We’re going to give you everything, including all of the physical goodies (and some extra surprises, shhh it’s a secret), for just the cost of your starter kit with products worth your money for your personal use and handling costs. Sounds like a fair deal to me, how about you?

Cool, now, with that being said...

Here’s what you pay for to launch your business

It includes the physical goodies (health products) worth your money and handling costs... i.e. $700

I want to be completely transparent with you...

Before you jump in and get your hands on our amazing starter kit with products worth your money, I just have to give you a little heads up.

I want to be completely transparent with you and let you know that all of the products in the kit are for your personal use only. I just have to warn you that they are not intended for sale.

However, at the end of the day, the decision is completely up to you. If you do decide to sell them, that’s your choice, my friend. 

Here's some great news for you

Our business Starter Kit comes with a 30-day money back guarantee!

If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied with the kit, we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked. We stand behind our product and we want to make sure that you’re happy with your purchase.

So, you can try the kit risk-free and see for yourself just how valuable it is for launching and building your MLM business. We’re confident that you’ll love it, but if for some reason you don’t, we’ve got your back.

Now, that STARTER KIT is worth it all by itself, but guess what...?

Here's the deal...

When you take action and get your hands on the Starter Kit as a member of the NetWave team, you’re not just getting products and some basic tools provided by the MLM company, oh no… 

You're unlocking a treasure trove of incredible resources that will supercharge your business and take it to heights you never thought possible.

60 Days Dedicated Mentorship

Our curriculum is designed to be super easy to follow. Each video is just 10-15 minutes long, and comes with an action guide that will help you implement what you’ve learned. In fact, with our proven systems and processes, you’ll have everything you need to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality.

1-On-1 Signature Offer Refinement

When you’re in the network marketing game, then your success or failure hinges on the offer you bring to the table.

But here’s the thing: a lot of networkers out there think they have an amazing offer, only to find out that it falls flat when put to the test. Don’t let that be you.

That’s where our team of experts comes in. We’ll work with you one-on-one to craft an offer that not only delivers results for your clients, but is also priced effectively and fully scalable. With our help, you’ll have an offer that crushes the competition and sets you up for success.

Done-With-You SM Account Optimization /Creation

It’s not enough to just have a social media account with a ton of followers. What really matters is whether or not those followers are actually converting into clients. And that’s where we come in.

Our team of experts will work with you one-on-one to ensure that your social media account is set up correctly for maximum conversion potential. From optimizing your name and description, to crafting approval questions and welcome posts, we’ve got you covered.

With our help, you’ll have a social media account that not only looks great, but also delivers real results for your business.

Done-For-You Social Media Ad Templates

Each day, our group grows by 50-100 qualified prospects, who are eager to join our business. We accomplish that with ads.

When you work with us, we’ll give our exact ad templates that are already proven to work (team members have used these ad templates to sell products and sign up team members, so they work incredibly well)…

Master Prospector

This tool is a game-changer when it comes to online lead generation. It’s like having your own personal lead-generating machine that runs 24/7.

With Master Prospector, you’ll be able to find and connect with high-quality prospects who are interested in what you have to offer.

Done-For-You Content Templates

Not gonna lie… Most networker’s social media content is not very good (to say the least) and that’s WHY they struggle to get clients.

That’s why we’ll give you our exact content templates already proven to work… With our method, you only need to post in your group 2x/week, but we still need those posts to be GOOD…

Done-For-You Messenger & Phone Scripts

With our Undercover Conversion Method, we get 25-50 inbound messages/day from people wanting to work with us… & we’ll give the exact proven scripts our team uses in those messenger conversations day in & day out…

…and we’ll give you the exact phone scripts our team uses to close sales… (imagine what that would mean for you if you started signing up 2-5 reps/week)..

Done-for-You Bridge Funnels

This tool is perfect for those who are just starting out in their MLM business or don’t have the time to create their own sales funnels.

We’ve done all the hard work for you by creating ready-to-use sales funnels that are designed to bridge your prospects with company, so you fall into NFL (No Friend Left) trap.

Lifetime Inner Circle Membership

As a member of NetWave team, you’ll get lifetime access to our exclusive Inner Circle Membership.

This is where you’ll get access to the latest MLM training, insider tips, and strategies that will help you take your business to the next level.

Unlimited 1-On-1 Coaching

We spend over $10,000/month on a team of experts (in sales, marketing, & mindset)… and when you work with us, you’ll receive unlimited 1-on-1 access to that team to get insight & feedback on your work in real time…

As if unlimited 1-on-1 coaching wasn’t enough, you can also tune into our 3 live coaching classes each week… Sometimes it’s the question posed by another member of our community that unlocks the door to your next growth spurt… so team member coaching can be unbelievably valuable…

NetWave T-Shirt

Show off your pride in being a member of NetWave team with our exclusive NetWave T-Shirt.

Just take a look at it 😊

It’s soft, it’s sexy as can be… and when you wear it, you’ll be joining the THOUSANDS of crazy awesome entrepreneurs who have the potential of changing the world and improving the lives of others.

CRM - Lead Manager

This tool is essential for managing your prospects and keeping track of your follow-up activities.

With the CRM – Lead Manager, you’ll be able to organize and prioritize your leads, set reminders for follow-up activities, and keep track of your sales activities all in one place.

Custom Branded Website

Your website is your online storefront, and it’s essential for building your personal brand and establishing credibility with your prospects.

With our Custom Branded Website, you’ll have a professional-looking website that’s tailored to your specific needs and that captures your unique essence.

So Let's Recap Everything You Get

Total Value $7,603

Just $700

We're handing you an arsenal of tools that are worth a staggering $7,603 - and we're doing it all for FREE 😕

Can you believe it? We’re talking about the kind of tools that can take your business to the next level and help you achieve incredible success. It’s like we’re giving you the keys to the kingdom, and we’re doing it with absolutely no strings attached.

So what the HECK you waiting for?

All you have to say is “MAYBE” and the gift is yours...

Here’s what to do next...

From here, just fill in your shipping details so we can send you your BUSINESS COMBO PACK, which includes all the tools and bonuses you’ll need to start building your business.

Click on the green button below to choose your FREE NetWave T-Shirt size, and we’ll get to work right away.

Once you’re signed up, you’ll get instant access to all of your digital gifts, and an invitation to our private Inner-Circle coaching group, where you’ll get exclusive training and support from the NetWave team.

So let’s make this happen! It’s time to step up and take action towards your goals in network marketing.

We PROMISE you this...

You’re going to feel like a rockstar when you join and launch your very own network marketing business! I know it may sound crazy, but trust me, there’s no feeling quite like it. We’re here to help you experience that feeling and start building your own successful MLM business.

It all starts with taking action and joining our team. Once you’re in, you’ll have access to all the tools and resources you need to start building your business, and our team will be there to support and guide you every step of the way.

So don’t wait any longer, take the first step towards becoming a network marketing rockstar and join our team today. I can’t wait to see you on the team member’s side!

Got Questions? No problem!

Check out these FAQs to get the answers you need.

No, you do not need any prior experience or knowledge to get started. The NetWave team will provide you with all the necessary training and tools to help you build and launch your network marketing business online.

The amount of time you need to invest in building your network marketing business using this system depends on your personal goals and how quickly you want to see results. However, the NetWave team will provide you with step-by-step guidance and support to help you get started and achieve success in the most efficient way possible.

The time it takes to see results from using this system will vary depending on your specific business goals and how much effort you put into implementing the strategies provided. However, the NetWave team will provide you with proven strategies and ongoing support to help you achieve success as quickly as possible.

If you are looking to build and launch your network marketing business online and are willing to put in the effort to achieve success, this system is right for you. The NetWave team will provide you with all the necessary training, tools, and support to help you achieve your goals.

Yes, this system can be integrated with other marketing tools and platforms you already use to help you streamline your marketing efforts and achieve better results.

Yes, you will have access to ongoing support and training after signing up. The NetWave team is committed to helping you achieve success and will provide you with all the necessary resources and guidance you need to grow your business.

Yes, this system can help you generate leads and sales even if you have a small budget. The NetWave team will provide you with affordable and effective marketing strategies that you can use to grow your business without breaking the bank.

The return on investment (ROI) you can expect from using this system will vary depending on your specific business goals and how much effort you put into implementing the strategies provided. However, many users have reported significant improvements in lead generation, sales, and overall business growth after implementing this system.