If you’re a business owner who’s struggling to attract more clients to your business then there’s a very high chance that you’re facing problems with sales and marketing.
Contrary to what most business owners think, sales and marketing should be at the top of your list in order of importance if your goal is financial success. But before considering different tactics and techniques of sales and marketing you first need to have a deeper understanding of what influences people to make buying decisions.
When several business owners were asked what they thought was the number one reason why their customers buy their products and services, some mentioned quality products and service, some mentioned good product pricing, and others mentioned great customer service.
Although the above things might influence customers to buy your products or services in one way or another, they aren’t the number reason why they do so.
The number one reason why a customer buys your stuff highly depends on how much they know and trust you.
So instead of focusing on things that will only boost your sales temporarily, you need to focus on getting known in the marketplace by developing trust.
Whenever you’re selling a product or service to a customer, what you’re really doing is telling the customer that he/she should trust that the product you’re about to sell to him/her will solve his/her problem. If the prospective customer trusts you, he will buy what you sell. If not, you lost the sale.
How To Earn Trust Through Sales And Marketing
If you want to earn trust through sales and marketing you might want to consider doing the following:
1. Use Educational Based Marketing/Selling:
A wise marketer named, Perry Marshal once said, “Nobody who bought a drill wanted to buy a drill. They wanted to make holes. If you want to sell drills do not advertise information about drills, advertise information about making holes.” People buy products and services to solve problems. If you educate your clients on how to solve those problems, then you earn trust. This website has been designed to educate business owners about marketing and that is why I earn a lot of trusts.
2. Use the power of Association:
Did you know that some people will buy your products and services just because their close friends (whom they trust) have bought some products/services from you? They might not even know you like you and trust you. But they know their friends, like them and trust them. So what you can do is ask for testimonials from all your happy clients and present them when doing your sales and marketing.
3. Use Risk Reversal Approach:
Whenever a purchase of a product or service is being made there’s usually one party that accepts to take a higher risk than the other party. In the majority of the cases, it usually is the buyer who takes a higher risk than the other party which is why it’s not uncommon to see statements such as “once bought never to be returned” as a common thing in most shops.
If you want to gain massive trust then you must be willing to assume more risk than the buyer. You can do that by offering:
- FREE trials (if you’re in the subscription business)
- 100% Money-back Guarantee.
I always ask this question to my clients, “If your product/service is good as you say it is, why not guarantee it?
4. Ask For the Sale
This probably is what most salespeople struggle to do. Asking for the sale. After educating your client, sharing testimonials with them, and giving them a 100% money-back guarantee, what’s left is obvious. Asking for the sale. You’ll be surprised how many of them will say yes.
So you now understand that products, prices, and customer service aren’t the main influencers for people to buy products/services unless they know and trust you.
I hope this article has given you insights on how to improve your sales and marketing and I hope you turn this information into action.
Good luck & talk to you soon.
Your online marketing coach,
Lusabara Essau
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